Thursday, March 17, 2016

Top 5 Irish Whiskies, Ranked

It's Saint Patrick's Day, and everyone loves lists on the internet. So here's a list, on the internet, relevant to today!

A quick CAVEAT: these are the top 5 Irish whiskies of the Irish whiskies that we have had on the Weekly Whisky podcast. We have also only had five Irish whiskies on said podcast. Soooo... it's mostly about the ranking. So let's rank them!

Number five is Glendalough. This was good. It was not bad. But this is about ranking, and it ranks 5 out of 5. Go to the podcast.

Number four is Redbreast. When we had this, we really liked it (or at least 2/3 of us did), so it's rank at #4 is mostly based on how awesome the other whiskies are on this list. A very herbal dram. Go to the podcast.

Number three is Connemara. It's peated. That's basically cheating, but all's fair in yadda yadda. Go to the podcast.

Second place is Knappogue Castle! Fresh fruit & berry flavors make this a unique Irish. Go to the podcast.

First place is Yellow Spot! It better be, because it's also the most expensive Irish whiskey we've done by far. Lives up to the pricetag. Delicious. Go to the podcast.

Disagree? Let us know in the comments! Otherwise we assume literally everyone agrees with us.

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